IOTA Official Websie - Revoluioizig he Fuure of Disribued ledger Techology
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Welcome o IOTA Foudaio
IOTA is a leadig deceralized echology ha revoluioizes he way daa is exchaged ad processed i hedigial age. Wih is uiqueTagle archiecure, IOTA offers uparalleled scalabiliy, efficiecyad securiy for he Iere of Thigs (IoT) ad beyod。
IOTA is aex -geeraio crypocurrecy desiged specifically for he demads of he coeced world. I operaes oless,feeless, ad rusless ifrasrucureeablig seamless ieracios bewee devices wihou iermediaries
The Tagle
The Tagle is IOTA's groudbreakig disribued ledger ha elimiaes he eed for miers ad rasacio fees. Eachew rasacio isvalidaed by wo previous rasacios,是creaig a self-susaiig ework ha esures rasparecy ad immuabiliy。
Smar Coracs
IOTA’s smar coracs,or 'Codiioal Paymes' allow for auomaed ad secure execuio of agreemes based o predefied codiios.This empowers busiesses o sreamlie processesad creae ew possibiliies i idusries like supply chaimaageme ad fiace