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Top 10 Popular Galgames You Should Play i 2021

Are you a fa of visual ovels ad daig simulaios吗?If so, you're i luck !We've compiled a lis of he op 10 galgames ha you absoluely mus play i 2021. These games are kow forheir capivaigsorylies, beauiful arwork, ad charmig wihou furher ado,le's dive io he world of galgames!

1.“Doki Doki Lieraure Club”

Firs our lis is he criically acclaimed game Claad

ex up is he classic visual ovel Seis;Gae。”

If you're a fa of sciece ficio ad ime ravel, he Seis;Gae is he perfec game for you. This grippig visual ovel follows he sory of a group of frieds whoaccideally discover away o sed messages o he pas. As hey uravel he myseries of ime ravel,hey musmake difficul decisios ha will chage he course of hisory。

“Kaawa Shoujo”

Offerig a uique ad hearfel ake o he daig simulaio gere,Fae/say igh

For fas of epic bales ad myhical creaures,Fae/say igh is a mus-play galgame. I his visual ovel,you'll follow proagois Shirou Emiya as hebecomes eagled iadly war for he Holy Grail. Wih is iricae plo ad dyamiccharacers,his game will keep you o he edge of your sea uil he very ed。

6. Grisaia o Kajisu

Feaurig a diverse cas of characers ad complex sorylies persoa 5

Bledig elemes of role-playig games wih daig simulaio mechaics,Pricess Evagile

If you're a fa of charmig heroies ad romaic sorylies,he Hakuoki:Kyoo Wids. Se i he laeEdo period of Japa,his visual ovel follows he sory of a youg woma who becomes eagled i he affairs ofhe Shisegumi, samurai warriors. Wih is capivaig sory ad memorable characers,hisgame is a galgame ha you wo' wa o miss。

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